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File Menu


You will use the entries in this menu to open, close and save files, setup the printer, get information about the program and exit the program.



File | New

Shortcut : Ctrl+N        New        

This menu is used to create a new scene. The system will ask to save any changes to the current scene if a scene is already open.



File | Open...

Shortcut : Ctrl+O        Open        

 This menu is used to open an existing scene. You will be presented with the standard file dialog in the scenes directory.

 After you have selected a scene, the current scene will be closed and the new scene will be opened.

 If the current scene was changed since the last save you will get the opportunity the save these changes or cancel the open command.


File | Open and Update...

 Like the above Open command except that all fixture definitions are fetch into the Spots folder and replace with the new ones.

 Example, new fixture definition include new 2D symbols for printing. so to update scene made with previous fixture definition, use the Open and Update



File | Close

Use this menu item to close the current scene. If the current scene has any unsaved changes you will get the opportunity to save these before the scene is closed.



File | Save

Shortcut : Ctrl+S        Save        

 Save is used to save the current scene. If the current scene was never saved before, you must enter a name for the new scene.



File | Save As...

 This menu item is used to give the scene a new name. If you use this option you must select a new name for the scene. The scene is then saved using this name. Any subsequent saves of the scene will be done using this name.



File | Export Block...

 Use Export Block to save a portion of a scene as a Scene Block or Fixture Block



File | Fast-Switch

 Use Fast-Switch to open the current scene into another module. See Fast-Switch for more details



File | Print Setup...

 This option allows you to setup the current printer.



File | Recent files

 Here you will find the 4 last saved/opened files. By selecting one of these files you can open the selected scene.



File | Exit

 Shortcut : Alt+F4                

 This option will shut down the program. If there is a scene open and if this scene has any unsaved changes you will be asked to save these changes or cancel the operation.



Cue menu


Cue | Select Cue...

This option shows the Cue List.


Cue | Save Cue As...

See Cue List for more details




Edit menu

You will use the entries in this menu to delete, copy and insert objects and fixtures, clear pick or selection, edit layers and switch between 'Light Mode' and 'Normal Mode'.



Edit | Undo

Shortcut : Ctrl+Z        Undo        

 This option will undo the last action (if there is one). The text after 'Undo' indicates the nature of the last action.



Edit | Redo

Shortcut : Ctrl+Y        Redo        

 This option will redo the last 'undone' action (if there is one). The text after 'Redo' indicates the nature of the last 'undone' action.



Edit | Delete

Shortcut : Ctrl+X        Delete        

 This option will delete the picked object.



Edit | Duplicate

Shortcut : Ctrl+D        Duplicate        

 This option will copy the picked object. When you click with your left mouse button inside a window, the copy will be inserted into the scene.

 If you keep the mouse button down, you can directly move the inserted copy around until you release the mouse button.



Edit | Duplicate Multiple

 Duplicate Multiple        

This option will make multiple copies of the picked object. When you click with your left mouse button inside a window, a dialog will appear.

See Duplicate Object or Fixture


Edit | Insert

 Insert Object        

This option allows you to insert an object from the object list into the scene. See Object List for more information about objects. When you click in a window after selecting this option a list of available objects will appear. The desired object will be inserted after clicking on it in the list.



Edit | Insert Fixture


This option allows you to insert a fixture from the fixture list into the scene. See Fixture List for more information about fixtures. When you click in a window after selecting this option a list of available fixture manufacturers will appear. When you move your mouse over the desired manufacturer, all available fixtures from that manufacturer will appear. The desired fixture will be inserted after clicking on it in the list.



Edit | Clear Pick

Shortcut : ESC                

This option clears the current pick. If you had something picked, it will be unpicked.



Edit | Deselect All

Shortcut : Shift+ESC                

This option clears the selection. If you have one or more objects selected, they will be de-selected.



Edit | Edit Fixture Layers

Shortcut : Ctrl+F        EditFixtureLayer        

When you select this option, a dialog will appear. See Layers for more details



Edit | Edit Object Layers

Shortcut : Ctrl+L        EditObjectLayer        

When you select this option, a dialog will appear.  See Layers for more details



In this dialog, you can edit the object layers. You can edit the name of a layer by clicking in the left box (layer line will become active), and then clicking in it again. You can then edit the existing name or enter a new name. You can make one of the layers 'Active'. This means that any new objects will be placed on that layer. In the 'Visible' column, you can select which layers are visible or hidden. The 'Active' layer must be visible, because otherwise, you would not see objects you add to the scene.



Edit | LightMode


This option activates and deactivates the LightMode. When you are working in LightMode, you can only pick fixtures. All other objects are ignored when you try to pick something.



View menu


You can use the entries in this menu to view or hide the toolbars holding the buttons, the different lists and the status bar at the bottom of the main window. If an item is visible a check mark will be displayed in front of the menu item.



View | Toolbars

This menu is used to show or hide the toolbars. For an overview of all the buttons in the toolbars you can look at the Icon topic.



View | Object list...

This option shows the Object List window. In this window you can delete, rename and import objects. In a new scene this list will be initially empty.



View | Fixture list...

This option shows the Fixture List window. In this window you can delete, rename and import fixtures.



View | Material list...

This option shows the Material List window. In this window you can edit, copy, import, delete and create new materials. In a new scene this list will be initially empty.



View | Cue list...

This option shows the Cue List window. In this window you can edit, delete and create new cues. In a new scene this list will be initially empty.



View | Status Bar

This menu is used to show or hide the status bar.


Window menu


You will use the entries in this menu to open or arrange windows and to save or print windows.



Window | New 2D window

This option opens a new 2D window.



Window | New 3D window

This option opens a new 3D window.



Window | Cascade

This option will arrange all open windows to be all the same size, stacked one on top of another.



Window | Tile

This option will arrange all open windows to be tiled side by side, so all windows will be totally visible.



Window | Arrange Icons

This option will arrange all icons at the bottom of the main window.



Window | Save as Bitmap...

This option allows you to save a window as a Windows bitmap (BMP) or a jpeg image (JPG).



Window | Print...

Shortcut : Ctrl+P        Print        

This option allows you to print a window. The print will always be in wireframe mode.

See Printing in ShowDesigner Module for more details



Window | Print Preview

This option allows you to preview how a window will be printed.

See Printing in ShowDesigner Module for more details



Window | (Opened windows)

Here you will see how many windows you have open and which is active. You can activate a specific window by choosing its menu item.



Display Mode menu


This menu allows you to select the display mode of a window. It gives you a range of representations of a scene.

See Display Mode for more details



Display Mode | Render

 Wire frameWire frame litSolidTradeShadow        


Display Mode, Render menu


This menu will only be available in a 3D window. It allows you to realistic render your scene, taking into account lighting, reflection, shadows, smoke etc.


See Rendering for more details


Display Mode | Render | Start

The start option will start the rendering of the scene.



Display Mode | Render | Hold

The Hold option will temporarily stop rendering the window. This might be useful if you are rendering a complex scene. By setting the rendering on hold, you get more time to do other things (in this application or another). This option is only available if you are currently rendering in the window.



Display Mode | Render | Resume

The Resume option will resume rendering a window, which was previously stopped by using the Hold option. This option is only available if the window is currently in a 'hold rendering' mode.


Display Mode | Render | Trace Rect

The Trace Rect option is a special case of the Start option which allows you to first select/manipulate a rectangle within the window, and then right-click in the window to start rendering the rectangle


Display Mode | Render | Create Render file

Use this to create a render for the Fast NetRender



Operation menu


This menu allows you to start an operation on one or more objects and/or fixtures.



Operation | Move menu


The Move operations allow you to interactively manipulate the position horizontally and/or vertically by moving the mouse.



Operation | Move | XY

Shortcut : M        Move        

This option allows you to move an object or fixture both horizontally and vertically.



Operation | Move | X


This option allows you to move an object or fixture only horizontally.



Operation | Move | Y


This option allows you to move an object or fixture only vertically.



Operation | Rotate


The Rotate operations allow you to interactively manipulate the orientation of an object or fixture.



Operation | Rotate XY

Shortcut : R        RotateTwoAxis

This option allows you to rotate an object or fixture around both the horizontal and vertical axis.



Operation | Around Horizontal


This option allows you to rotate an object or fixture around the horizontal axis.



Operation | Around Vertical


This option allows you to rotate an object or fixture around the vertical axis.



Operation | Around Depth


This option allows you to rotate an object or fixture around the depth axis.



Operation | Scale


The Scale operations allow you to interactively manipulate the size of an object.



Operation | Scale | Horizontal

Shortcut : S        ScaleHorizontal        

This option allows you to scale an object horizontally.



Operation | Scale | Vertical


This option allows you to scale an object or vertically.



Operation | Scale | 2D


This option allows you to scale an object horizontally and vertically.



Operation | Scale | 3D


This option allows you to scale an object uniformly by scaling the whole object by the same amount.



Operation | Lux meter

Shortcut: I        IlluminanceMeter        

This option activates and deactivates the Lux meter.

See Lux Meter for more details...




Operation | Fixture Operation |


The Fixture operations allow you to manipulate one or more fixtures.


Operation | Fixture Operation | Move Beam


This option allows you to move the focus point of one or more fixtures, relative to its or their position(s).



Operation | Fixture Operation | Focus Beam

Shortcut: F        Focusbeam        

This option allows you to focus one or more fixtures on the point you click, and then drag the focus.



Operation | Fixture Operation | Look through fixture...


This function allow you to see as if you were inside the fixture looking out by the lens.

See Look Through Fixture topic for more details



Operation | Fixture Operation | Fast patch

Shortcut: P        FastPatch        

This option allows you to patch fixtures using the mouse

See Fast-Patch for more details



Operation | Fixture Operation | Beam Hidden


This option allows you to hide/show the beam of the picked fixture.

See Preferences Options for more details on this



Operation | Fixture Operation | Replace Fixture...

Shortcut: CTRL+H

This option allows you to replace a fixture by another fixture. The fixture will have the same position, patch address and focus point. Other settings will be read back from DMX.

See Replace Fixture for more details



Operation | Alignment menu


Operation | Alignment | Align Chain

This option allows you to align two or more selected objects in a chain like way.

See Align for more details



Operation | Alignment |  Align...

This option allows you to align one or more selected object(s) to the active (picked) object. When you select this option, a dialog will appear.

See Align for more details




Operation | Combine menu


Operation | Combine | Group

Shortcut: G        Group        

This option allows you to group the selected objects together. The resulting group can be treated as a single object from then on. Such a group can always be split again by picking it and selecting the 'UnGroup' operation.



Operation | Combine | Group using Axis

Shortcut: ALT+G        Group_Axis        

This option allows you to group the selected objects together. The resulting group can be treated as a single object from then on. Such a group can always be split again by picking it and selecting the 'UnGroup' operation.



Operation | Combine | Assemble

Shortcut: Ctrl+G        Assembly        

Assembly grouping is similar to normal grouping except that fixtures in the group are still accessible individually.

A good example of an assembly would be a bar of 4 PARs



Operation | Combine | Attach

Shortcut: Shift+G        Assembly        

Use Attach to link Dynamic Objects with other objects.
See Dynamic Object for more details...



Operation | Combine | Subtract


See Subtractive Grouping



Operation | Combine | Intersect


See Intersect Grouping



Operation | Combine | UnGroup

Shortcut: U        UnGroup        

This option allows you to split a group into its components. Each component will be added to the selection.



Operation | Turn Off Operation

Shortcut: Spacebar        TurnOffOperation        

This option turns off all current operation.




Camera Menu


This menu allows you to manipulate the camera of a window.

See Camera for more details


Camera | Properties

For information on the camera properties



Camera | Full View

Shortcut: Double click middle mouse button        Full View        

This option will try to adjust the camera so that the entire scene will be visible in the current view.



Camera | Full View All

 Full view all        

This option will try to adjust the camera so that the entire scene will be visible in all views.



Camera | Zoom

Shortcut: Z        Camera Zoom        

This option allows you to interactively zoom in/out. In 2D windows, the scale will change and in 3D windows, it will be the camera angle that changes.



Camera | Move To/From

Shortcut: X        CameraMoveToFrom        

This option allows you to move the camera to and from. In 2D windows, this does the same as the 'Zoom' operation. In 3D windows, the camera is moved forwards or backwards.


Camera | Inspect

Shortcut: C        Camera Inspect        

This option allows you to inspect an object by moving the camera around a point. In 2D windows this can only be done if you have an active (picked) object. The camera will move around the center of the object. In 3D windows the camera will move around the center of an active object if there is an active object, otherwise the camera will move around the focus point of the camera.



Camera | Move

Shortcut: V        Camera Move        

This option allows you to pan up, down, left and right the camera.



Camera | Swivel

Shortcut: Alt+V Camera Swivel        

This option allows you to look around with the camera. In 2D windows, you can move around then view plane, and in 3D windows you can look around by tilting the camera from left to right and from top to bottom.



Camera | Save Camera...

This option allows you to save a 3D camera position, giving it a name. The camera will be stored with the scene file.



Camera | Delete Camera...

This option allows you to delete one or more cameras (from this scene file).



DMX menu


You will use the entries in this menu to select and setup a DMX driver and to change DMX input/output options.

See DMX for more details


DMX | Follow

The follow option will turn on/off the follow mode. If the follow mode is active, The program will be sampling the incoming DMX and update the stage settings accordingly, until you turn the follow mode off.



DMX | Snapshot

The Snapshot option will sample the incoming DMX once and update the stage settings accordingly.



DMX | Setup Driver...

This option allows you to change the settings of the current driver. What kind of settings (if any) are available depends on the active DMX driver.



DMX | Select Driver...

This option allows you to select which of the installed DMX drivers you want to use. If you select another driver, it will be used the next time you run the program. In other words, you have to exit and restart the program to have the change of DMX driver take effect.


DMX | Motor Map...

This option allows you to patch Dynamic Objects to DMX channel.



Settings menu


This menu allows you to adjust the appearance and preferences.



Settings | Main Background

This option allows you to change the appearance of the background of the main application window.

See settings for more details



Settings | Window color

This option allows you to change the background color of the 2D-and 3D windows.

See settings for more details



Settings | Preferences

In the preferences dialog you can set your preferences. Some are local (apply only to the ShowDesigner module), some are global (they may apply to all MyShowDesigner modules). The preferences are arranged into groups, with each it's own page (page). Each page ('Render Settings', 'Snap', 'Grid', 'Units', 'Detail', 'Gamma', 'Auto Save', 'Paths' and 'DirectX driver') will be explained next.

Render Settings page

See Settings for more details



Help Menu




Help | Contents

Shortcut : F1                

This option will display this help text.



Help | About ShowDesigner...


This option will display a window in which you can get information about the program. By clicking on the info button you will see information about the current installed version, the installation date, the serial number of the program and the name with which the program was installed. By clicking again on the (now 'Version') button, you