Display Mode

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There are 4 different display modes (Wireframe, Wireframe lit, Solid and Render). Each display mode shows you a different representation of the scene.



This option will show the objects in wireframe mode.

This will show your objects as solid lines with a single color.



Wireframe Lit

This option will show the objects in wireframe lit mode.

This will show your objects as colored lines, lit by a single light source.





This option will show the scene in solid mode.

This will show your objects as fast, solid, simple shaded objects, lit by a single light source.




This option will calculate a realistic image of the scene, lit by the fixtures in the scene (with their fader, iris, zoom angle gels and gobo settings).

During the calculation of the image, shadows, reflections, transparency and even smoke can be taken into account.

Depending on the complexity of the scene and the selected options, this calculation may take a while.



Render with Smoke
