Camera Properties 3D

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In Show Designer, there are two type of Cameras; The one for 2D view and the one for 3D view

Camera can be move manually with the mouse(see Using Camera)  or edited with values.


Camera Properties can be access in three ways

-With the hotkey SHIFT+ALT+ENTER

-From the right-click menu on a view

-From the menu Camera


3D Camera Properties



X: Set the Camera position form left to right

Y: Set the Camera position form bottom to top

Z: Set the Camera position form front to back



X: Set the Camera "Look At" form left to right

Y: Set the Camera "Look At" form bottom to top

Z: Set the Camera "Look At" form front to back



Set the angle of the zoom.

A wider zoom will give more perspective.

A good perspective setting usually means a better sense of dimension...

As a reference, the human eyes has a field of around 60 degree (image in focus)

Therefore setting the camera at 60 degree and then moving the Camera CameraMoveToFrom will give a real-life like viewing.


Here's three example of camera settings where you can see the perspective in action


4 degree at 200 meters

SD_Camrea_View 4X200


60 degree at 18 meters

SD_Camrea_View 60X18


120 degree at 15 meters

SD_Camrea_View 120X15