Rendering Default Settings

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To set the default Rendering settings, from the menu Settings, click on Preferences


click on Render Settings



Default Render Settings

These settings are the one used when clicking on the Trace/Shadow icon TradeShadow while in a 3D view

The Same settings will appear in the alternative way to start a rendering.



Controls the general lighting level in the scene.


Rendering Ambient 0

Ambient @ 0%


Rendering Ambient 50

Ambient @ 50%


Rendering Ambient 100

Ambient  @ 100%



Ignore Fixture Below...

         Any fixtures below the percentage set here will not be shown




         Controls whether shadows show up on objects, everything or nothing at all.  Less shadows will take less time to render.

Rendering with No Shadow

Shadow = None


Rendering with Shadow on Object Only

Shadow = On Object (smoke rays goes through objects)


Rendering with Shadow on Always

Shadow = Always





Turns smoke or haze in the atmosphere on or off. Smoke on slows down the rendering process.


No Smoke



With Smoke



Smoke Density

Controls the level of smoke in the scene.

Rendering Smoke Density 1

Smoke Density @ 1


Rendering Smoke Density 15

Smoke Density @ 15


Rendering Smoke Density 30

Smoke Density @ 30



Smoke Type

Controls whether the smoke is evenly spread out, like a haze machine or in puffs like it might be from a smoke machine.

Rendering Smoke Haze

Smoke Type: Haze @ 1


Rendering Smoke Haze_Puff 50percent

Smoke Type:  Haze / Puff @ 15


Rendering Smoke Puff

Smoke Type        : Puff @ 30



Anti-Aliasing is a process that soften the edges in a rendering process. It does take a little more time, but makes rendering more natural.

Rendering without Anti-Aliasing

Without Anti-Aliasing




White Level

Imagine the White level as the eyes sensitivity or camera sensitivity. It could be explained as the amount of light require to have a white surface looking white...

 The default value of 2200.00 lux  (200 foot candle) is appropriate for more stage rendering        

 However, for exterior architectural rendering a setting of 800 lux (75 foot candle) could be more appropriate...


In a relatively low ambient light level, the eyes is more sensitive, let say 500 lux

In a normal ambient light level the lux level for white is approximately 2200 lux

In a situation when you have light blasting directly in the camera, a level of 5000 lux could be used...

Here's some example of the same scene render at different white level.

In this example, a level of 1000 lux appears to be normal.

Rendering White Level 5000

White Level @ 5000        


Rendering White Level 2200

White Level @ 2200 (Default)


Rendering White Level 1000

White Level @ 1000        


Rendering White Level 500

White Level @ 500


Rendering White Level 100

White Level @ 100