Inserting a fixture block in a scene

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To insert a saved fixture block in a scene


Click on the Insert fixture icon



Then click on the scene and from the popup menu click on Block...



Select the desired fixture block and click Open.



Address behaviours


When inserting a fixture block, the fixture address will behave as follow:

 -If all fixtures have the same address in the fixture block, they will have the same address in the scene

Some examples:        


-If four PAR were address as 1 when the fixture block was created, when inserted the MSD will find the

next address available. if that address is 54, then all 4 PAR will be address as 54.


-If the same fixtures were address as 1,2,3,4, in the same situation the address would then be 54,55,56,57


-If the addresses are 10,12,14,16, in the same situation the address would then be 54,56,58,60


Fixture ID behaviours


ID's behaves in the same way as the addressed.


Note: you can use ID with decimal values (Dot ID) such as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

The Dot ID makes it very useful for fixture blocks.