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Assembly grouping is similar to normal grouping except that fixtures in the group are still accessible individually.


A good example of an assembly would be a bar of 4 PARs




Place 4 PAR 64 in a row

and one pipe (made with cylinder primitive)





Select all 4 Pars and the pipe

make sure the pipe is picked (red) this will be the main part of the assembly



Click the Assemble icon (or CTRL+G)



And the result should look like this.




Right-click on the pipe and choose properties




In the Properties select Assembly Options



 When locked is enabled, no settings changes will be allowed for that assembly


-Allow Move

 The child objects of the assembly will (not) move away from the main part.


-Allow Rotate

 The child objects of the assembly will (not) rotate on the main part.


-Allow Scale

 The child objects of the assembly will (not) scale one the main part.


-Allow Focus

 The child fixture objects of the assembly will (not) focus when using the focus tools (example, a blinder fixture, each source is fix in the casing)


-Allow Patch

 The child fixture objects of the assembly will (not) be available for individual patch (example, a Bar of 6 PAR in series, only one address to set on the main part of the assembly)


-Allow Replace

 The child fixture objects of the assembly will (not) be available for replacing






Edit Mapping

Some fixtures assembly used multiple Base address

In such case you can define segments to use as base and connect each part of the fixture assembly to a base
