Show Timeline

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The Timeline dialog looks something like this:




It consists of a 3 tracks (Camera Animation, DMX Stream anmd the Audio Stream),

some controls for the active (orange) track, and the Timeline controls.



Time line



The time line is is displayed as a kind of ruler with the duration of the presentation displayed on it, with a 'Time cursor' to show exactly where in the presentation you currently are. With the 'Zoom control' buttons, you can zoom in and out for fine tuning or a more overview.


To move the 'Time cursor', click on it and drag it along the time line.




To scroll through the time line, you can use the 'Scroll controls', or by clicking in the timeline, and dragging it to either side.




Use the zoom controls to zoom out for more overview ...




... or in for more details.




Time controls



With these controls, you can play the presentation, pause it etc to test it, and when it is ready, convert it to a video. You can also just use it as a kind of playback of the DMX track, so you do not constantly need a console connected, or even send the DMX back out to replace a console. You can toggle the 'Loop' button to automatically loop back to the beginning after the end of the presentation has been reached.


The tracks, and the creation of a video are further discussed in the next topics.